
High-Performance Vegan Letters

2 ways to drop fat without counting calories, my system for tracking biometrics, and stop using your phone's 5G

letters Feb 27, 2025

Welcome to 1-3-1 Fridays, my weekly newsletter, where I reveal evidence-based strategies to get lean, strong, and create optimal health.

You'll receive one personal health insight, three actionable tips, and one concrete action step. Let's dive in.

What's in store for today:

  • 2 ways you can drop body fat without opening up MyFitnessPal
  • The exact system I've used with 100's of clients to track your body weight and measurements in under 5 minutes a week
  • Why using your phone's 5G can cause detrimental health effects

I had a conversation with a client recently.

She's currently going through a tough transition with work and family life.

Due to certain challenges, she's been navigating this rocky period with ups and downs.

I noticed something and challenged her on it. She often let outside events affect her standards.

We can't control what happens outside of us.

But we can control three main areas:

  • Our thoughts
  • Our words
  • Our actions

No one can take these from you.

Yet so many of us give away our power with little resistance.

We let what happens on the news and media influence whether we 'feel' like working out or eating well.

This is silly.

When something happens externally, allow yourself time to process.

A lot isn't correct with our world, and it can be disarming to learn about.

Yet, that isn't a free pass to not exercise or eat well.

Eating emotionally or being sedentary for weeks is also not a free pass.

You're not alone if you let the external world dictate your inner state.

Most of us do this our entire lives.

This stems from two main problems:

  • Ignorance of what we're doing
  • Lack of skillset to center ourselves

Becoming more self-aware can shift what's happening inside of you.

The second step is learning the right skillsets to stay grounded and centered amid chaos.

Skills such as silent meditation, Qi Gong, and grounding in nature can be very useful to develop.

They won't develop your external physical muscles...

But they'll develop your internal muscles like fortitude, resilience, centeredness, and inner calm.

These muscles are as important.

What happens outside will happen outside.

What happens inside is up to you.

Lesson: It's easier to project than it is to integrate.

Here's Your 1-3-1 Friday:

1.) 2 ways to drop fat without counting calories

Here are two easy ways to lose body fat without counting calories. I've seen these methods work really well:

  • Eat slowly
  • Improve the quality of your food choices.

Here's how they work:

#1 Reteach your eating speed

95% of diets NEVER teach this concept.

Yet, most of us are still eating like young children.

Paying attention to our hunger and satiety signals is a great way to develop a personal regulation system.

This will allow you to keep your new weight loss results after you reach your desired result.

Patience is key here.

Trying to do this too fast will lead to frustration and overwhelm.

A simple way to get started with this is by eating 50% slower than usual.

This will be a challenge if you’re used to eating while watching TV, on your phone, or multi-tasking.

But real growth lies in being challenged.

Challenge yourself to chew your food slowly.

To enjoy what you’re eating.

And to slow down your pace.

For many of us, fast eating brings back childhood associations.

Slowing down can start to rewire these neural pathways to recognize it’s safe and okay to eat slowly.

Slow down by 50%.

Note your results for a month.

#2 Learn which foods optimize your health

Fruits. Vegetables. Herbs. Spices.

These are the core 4 food groups that can optimize your health more than anything else.

(courtesy of A.W. and his team).

For fitness, lean proteins like tofu, tempeh, seitan, and protein powder boost your progress. They help tone your body and reduce fat.

Learning to balance health foods with fitness foods is important.

I recommend starting with which goal is most important for you.

Is healing from a chronic autoimmune disease #1 on your list?

Then, focus on eating as many health foods as possible (raw vegan can be a powerful way to heal FAST).

Is dropping body fat and building muscle a priority for you?

Then, creating a strong base with a healthy vegan diet with lean protein will be important.

It comes down to your health vision first.

Get clear on where you want to go.

Then, set up your strategic objectives to get there.

Finally, create your daily action plan to move towards there.

No matter your goal, adding more fruits and vegetables is always a good choice for your body.

They’re that impactful.

2.) My system for tracking biometrics

Tracking results is important when it comes to seeing results.

It’s data.

Like any good scientist, you need feedback from your actions to make smart choices.

Without data?

You can’t make a good decision.

Don't just shoot arrows in the dark or stress over the scale. Instead, aim for more clarity in your health.

With clarity comes understanding.

And this leads to better decisions.

Here’s how I suggest clients track their results:

  • Check your body weight once a week.
  • Measure your body measurements once a week.
  • Once a week - snap photos (front, side, back; wear underwear or a bikini, ensure good lighting, pick a clear background, and use the same location each time).

Key Notes:

  • Do it first thing in the morning.
  • Keep the time the same each week.
  • Make sure to measure before you eat or drink.

*Track hips, waist, thighs, and chest.

You don’t need to track every day.

But having a weekly standard will help demystify your rate of progress.

If you’re hiding from tracking your results, it may be a sign you’re hiding from reality.

Or you don’t want to acknowledge your behaviors.

Don’t let this detract you.

Acknowledge where you are.

And focus on where you want to go.

To get more objective measurements, do this first thing in the morning. Make sure to do it at the same time and place each day.

You can track your results every week. If you're not seeing progress, check your BEHAVIORS first.

How consistently have you been tracking your nutrition?

How many strength workouts did you get in the past 2 weeks?

How many steps are you getting per day?

How are your hydration, sleep, and stress levels?

Behaviors leverage your results.

Don’t forget this when things are slow.

3.) Stop using your phone's 5G

As humans, we're bioelectrical creatures.

Being aware of EMF waves (electromagnetic frequency) is helpful.

Everything in the universe can be broken down into energy and matter.

Yet, as humans, our energetic body vastly outweighs our material body.

It's estimated that up to 99.9% of our body is energy.

This shows us what it means to be always exposed to different frequencies.

One of those is the EMF waves emitted from our beloved cellular technology.

Global changes with 5G towers and antennas are worsening this problem daily.

​​​240 scientists from 40 different countries ​appealed.

According to the ​​International EMF Scientist Appeal:​​​

"Recent studies show that EMF impacts living organisms even at low levels. Effects include a higher cancer risk, cellular stress, and more harmful free radicals. There are also genetic damages, changes to reproductive systems, and issues with learning and memory. Neurological disorders and negative effects on human well-being are concerns too. The damage isn't limited to humans; plants and animals also show harmful effects.”

The cat's out of the bag.

During the plandemic, 5G towers went up fast. Everyone had to stay home.

Keeping your cell phone close can also harm your immune health.

Remember - we're bioelectrical creatures first and foremost.

Here's another study that further drives home this point:

The ​​EUROPA EM-EMF Guideline 2016​​ states that

"Strong evidence shows that long-term exposure to specific EMFs may lead to risks like cancer, Alzheimer’s, and male infertility. People with electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) often experience headaches, difficulty concentrating, sleep problems, depression, fatigue, and flu-like symptoms.”

The Nuremberg Code states that experiments on humans should not happen if there is a risk of harm or death.

We are definitely in the middle of major human experimentation.

We need to take charge of issues like injections, EMF, GMOs, and fluoride in water. These are things we didn't create, but we must address them.

A few action steps to protect yourself from EMF waves:

  • Turn OFF your 5G as often as you can. I use Wi-Fi whenever I can and turn off my 5G while traveling. If you travel like I do, download Google Maps for offline use. Keep your cell phone away from your body as much as you can. This is especially important near your head or groin.
  • Turn off your wifi router when you're not using it. I turn ours off every night to help limit exposure during resting hours. Consider getting EMF blockers for your phones, wifi, and other devices that emit EMF.

Part of maturity is facing the uncomfortable truths that we all live in.

It's an interesting world we live in.


1 Action Step

What's one area of your health you want to optimize this spring? Commit to this one area for the next 30 days. Go all in.


One Quote To Finish Your Week Strong

“To honor and accept one’s own shadow is a profound spiritual discipline. It is whole-making, thus holy, and the most important experience of a lifetime.” ― Robert A. Johnson

Spring is in the air.

Anthony is almost walking.

I feel like running outside.

Might start playing soccer again.

I'm thinking about dusting off my ping-pong paddle, too.

I love spring.

See you next week,

Whenever you're ready, there's 3 ways I can help you:

  1. Connect with me on Facebook and Instagram and let's be friends.
  2. ​Join our free Facebook Group. Get free trainings on how to get lean and strong with plants.
  3. Want to drop body fat and build lean muscle in a fraction of the time with ease? Apply for Accelerator 1:1 coaching.

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