
High-Performance Vegan LettersĀ 

Profound dives into deep health, plant nutrition, high-performance fitness, integrative psychology, and self-mastery.Ā 

The 5 categories of health (never discussed): letters Mar 06, 2025

I wanted to shake things up for this week.

As I said last week, I want to share more personal stories and insights. Many of you relate to these, and Iā€™ll also include proven principles and methods.

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1-3-1: Avoid this common dieting trap, improve your brain health using this exercise, and what living in 3 different continents has taught me about health letters Mar 06, 2025

Welcome to 1-3-1 Fridays, my weekly newsletter, where I reveal evidence-based strategies to get lean, strong, and create optimal health.

You'll receive one personal health insight, three actionable t...

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5 lessons from a former overweight guy: letters Feb 27, 2025

I used to be overweight.

When I first went vegan, I started gaining weight.

Eventually, I was over 20+ pounds heavier.

I thought I was eating healthy.

I also thought I was doing the right thin...

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2 ways to drop fat without counting calories, my system for tracking biometrics, and stop using your phone's 5G letters Feb 27, 2025

Welcome to 1-3-1 Fridays, my weekly newsletter, where I reveal evidence-based strategies to get lean, strong, and create optimal health.

You'll receive one personal health insight, three actionable ...

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If you sit at a desk for more than 6 hours, read this: letters Feb 20, 2025

I used to sit at my desk for 8+ hours a day.

I was working from home and had a desk that allowed me to sit all day long.

Yet, I started to have back pain, which started to hold me back.

So, I start...

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The science behind fat-loss, the healthiest oil on the planet, and my 3 part morning routine for day-long confidence letters Feb 20, 2025

Welcome to 1-3-1 Fridays, my weekly newsletter, where I reveal evidence-based strategies to get lean, strong, and create optimal health.

You'll receive one personal health insight, three actionable t...

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7 ways to get lean using plants Feb 13, 2025

When I first became vegan, I stressed about protein.

I thought I would lose all my gains.

What ended up happening was the opposite.

I gained about 20 pounds of body fat.

I didn't realize that just...

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Create a bulletproof body, 10x your energy using this ancient practice, and use this technique to torch body fat letters Feb 13, 2025

Welcome to 1-3-1 Fridays, my weekly newsletter, where I reveal evidence-based strategies to get lean, strong, and create optimal health.

You'll receive one personal health insight, three actionable ...

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How to create a 12-month fitness plan (from scratch) letters Feb 05, 2025

My secret mistake for years?

I program hopped everywhere.

I wasn't consistent in one method long enough to see the results I wanted.

I fell into shiny-object syndrome.

I didn't realize this for ye...

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Eat this high protein vegan breakfast, should you train fasted, and my favorite fat-loss cardio protocol to get lean fast letters Feb 05, 2025

Welcome to 1-3-1 Fridays, my weekly newsletter, where I reveal evidence-based strategies to get lean, strong, and create optimal health.

You'll receive one personal health insight, three actionable ...

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Want to be healthy in 2025? Eat these 6 foods: letters Jan 31, 2025

I wish I knew this 10 years ago.

When I first went plant-based, I was lost and confused.

I wanted to get lean and healthy while staying as strong and fit as I could.

The first 2 years of being vega...

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2 steps to get leaner in 12 weeks, a hidden ingredient that feeds cancer cells, and the best book I read in past 12 months letters Jan 31, 2025

Welcome to 1-3-1 Fridays, my weekly newsletter where I reveal evidence-based strategies to get lean, strong, and create optimal health.

What's in store for today:

  • 2 steps to get leaner in 12 wee...
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