
High-Performance Vegan Letters 

Profound dives into deep health, plant nutrition, high-performance fitness, integrative psychology, and self-mastery. 

Breakthrough weight loss plateaus using these 5 principles Dec 04, 2023

Most people have weight loss backwards.

It's not about losing weight.

It's about keeping it off.

Yet, countless times when I've hit a weight loss plateau in my health, I've struggled to remember...

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Why We Should Avoid Fluoride, The Hidden Benefits Of Creatine, & Three Reasons to Walk More Nov 29, 2023

I'm excited for 2024.

The past few weeks I've been working hard on our life vision.

I learned about this concept first in 2018.

I had signed up for a high-level mastermind where the focus was on...

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Use this 3-tier approach to stay lean & strong (year-round) Nov 27, 2023

I’ve been reflecting on my health as I age.

Especially as I creep closer to my next birthdate within a week.

It's interesting how the things we used to do with our health and body 10 years...

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How to Bulletproof Your Body, 3 Ways To Track Your Nutrition, and One Lesson That Can Transform Your Health Nov 23, 2023

Every week, I feel like I'm building something new...

I've built a wall bookshelf.

A desk (actually three desks).

And more recently, this past week - our couch.

The reason I'm sharing this is...

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3 Pillars To Launch 2024 In Your Best Plant-Based Health Nov 20, 2023

Simplicity is the key to brilliance.

Especially when it comes to your health and fitness.

As plant-based founders, leaders, creators, and change-makers, it's easy to put your health at the bottom...

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Best Exercises for Fat-Loss, One Food You Should Be Eating, and Two Mistakes Beginners Make Lifting Weights Nov 16, 2023

I love reading.

At the beginning of this year, I set a goal for myself to read 50 books.

Yet, due to extensive travels, moving 2x, and stepping up my work hours inside of VFR, I've come short and...

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3 Ways To Master Your Inner World (and why to start today) Nov 13, 2023

I used to struggle with my self-esteem for YEARS.

My self-worth and self-esteem were the secret struggles I faced most of my early life.

When it came to fitness, I used to believe that workouts and...

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The Athlete's Mindset, What's the Least Amount of Workouts You Can Do, and Why Sleeping More is Better Nov 09, 2023

As I'm writing this, I'm staring at the Colorado mountains.

We're here for the weekend as my wife attends a local health program.

Now that it's fall and the leaves are falling fast, you can sense...

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2 Reasons Why You Need To Avoid Commerical Mattresses Nov 06, 2023

Most mattresses are health hazards.

A month ago, after researching new products for our move to North Carolina, I came across several studies.

They showed how most mattresses are full of chemicals,...

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One Supplement You Should Be Taking, Why Sitting is Causing Back Pain Worldwide (and how to fix it), and 7 Reasons to Rewire Your Subconscious NOW Nov 03, 2023

Officially, 3 weeks in Asheville.

Man, does it feel good to be grounded for an extended period of time.

The main bulk of this year we've spent on the road.

While we've been grounded and lived in...

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Why You Shouldn’t Lift Light Weights, A 5 Minute Breathing Exercise To Lower Stress, and One Exercise You Should Be Doing EVERY Time You Workout Oct 27, 2023

I played my first competitive soccer match last weekend.

It's been YEARS since I've played soccer at a high level.

And the past few years I've put aside my hobbies to work more and be more present...

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Struggle with emotional eating? Here's what to do: Oct 24, 2023

I've been busier than usual the past few months.

Working with clients worldwide gives you a ton of insight into human behavior and psychology.

What's interesting is that as humans, regardless of...

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