
High-Performance Vegan Letters

3 Pillars To Launch 2024 In Your Best Plant-Based Health

Nov 20, 2023

Simplicity is the key to brilliance.

Especially when it comes to your health and fitness.

As plant-based founders, leaders, creators, and change-makers, it's easy to put your health at the bottom of the list.

Don't do this.

Instead, focus on these 3 pillars and take your plant-based fitness to a new level.

Here's what you need to do:

1. Simplicity, Your New Secret Sauce

It's easy to feel overwhelmed by your health.

That's the norm living in the information age.

We don't need more information.

What we need is the correct information in bite-sized chunks, which allows us to APPLY what we're learning.

In fitness, it's not the person who does the MOST that wins long-term.

It's the individual who's the most CONSISTENT with their actions that win for life.

Keep things simple.

Less is more when you're focusing on your fitness.

Do fewer things that are unproductive and unhelpful for your body.

And more of the things that are beneficial and make a positive difference.

Few things you can consider adding in:

  • Spend time in nature
  • Track your nutrition
  • Walk 10k steps per day
  • Sleep 7-9 hours of quality sleep per night
  • Strength training 3-4x weekly
  • Create time for stillness and listen to yourself
  • Drinking 1/2 to 2/3 of your body weight in ounces of filtered water each day

Hack away at the unessential.

Focus on what remains.

Create lifelong progress that's built to last.

2. The Art of Consistency: Your Other Co-Pilot

One of the most repeated phrases I share nearly every week with our clients is progress over perfection.

It's a living mantra that we have inside of VFR.

And it's something we take seriously.

The Japanese have a different philosophy than the Western world.

They believe in the concept of kaizen.

Kaizen is the idea of focusing on 1% daily improvement.

According to Matt Gray, a successful entrepreneur and leader for founders, a 1% daily improvement leads to a 37% improvement over an entire year.

This differs from the Western approach, where we go ALL OR NOTHING.

0 to 100.

Then burn out.

Repeat the cycle of burnout for decades.

Or focus on how you can improve 1% each day.

The perfectionist in you will struggle with this.

But what I've found helps transform the inner perfectionist?

Seeing small wins daily and weekly.

There's something about making PROGRESS that's satisfying even to the most intense perfectionist.

At the end of the day, we all want to make progress.

Why not make it easier for us to win each day?

Consistency is a prerequisite for success in our health and body.

3. Embrace the Boring

Sexy doesn’t equal results.

Sexy is just a great way to market and grab your attention.

What you need is boring.

And lots of it.

There aren’t many “new principles" left in health or fitness.

Most of what we see as ‘new’ is an old concept dressed up as a ‘new thing.’

Instead, focus on the overarching principles of fitness success.

Refer to point #1 above.

Fitness, at it's core, is a culmination of boring basic principles that lead to lifelong health and vitality.

It's not sexy (although you can find plenty of people who will try to convince you otherwise).

And it's sometimes not fun.

But a simple solution to this is to bring more enjoyment to your daily practices.

Create friendships at the gym.

Create a meal with your partner or family member.

Spend time in nature walking with a loved one.

Do push-ups with your kids, or better yet, have them sit on your back when you do push-ups.

Play a sport and make cardio fun (that's what I'm doing with soccer).

Go for a yoga or meditation 'date' and face the unknown within.

Make health and fitness fun.

That's what will eliminate boredom and create sustainability.

Yes, lifting weights and being in a caloric deficit is how you drop body fat and build muscle.

But lift weights with a friend (or make friends at the gym) and eat healthy with your family?

It makes the journey so much more enjoyable.

Take any of these 3 pillars and test them out on yourself for the next 90 days.

Let me know your findings after you do this.

- Gabriel

Whenever you're ready, here's one way I can help:

Every week until the end of the year, you'll see our End of Year VFR Special.

If you apply for a coaching spot and qualify this week, we'll coach you for FREE until the end of this year.

(e.g., if you apply and are accepted this week, that would equal 6 weeks of free coaching with your start date for your 4-month Accelerator Program starting on Jan 1st, 2024.

We'll deduct a week from this special every week until the end of this year.

So this week is the maximum bonus week you could qualify for (6 extra WEEKS) each week after deducting one week less.

You’ll also be able to lock in our 2023 tuition before tuition rises in 2024 (due to all the incredible upgrades we’ve made over the past 12 months inside of VFR).

Spots fill up fast due to a 2-week waiting list, so your application is not guaranteed to be viewed so I’d recommend applying now even if you’re unsure when to start.

Happy holidays! :)


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