3 Ways To Master Your Inner World (and why to start today)
Nov 13, 2023
I used to struggle with my self-esteem for YEARS.
My self-worth and self-esteem were the secret struggles I faced most of my early life.
When it came to fitness, I used to believe that workouts and nutrition were ALL that it took to WIN in my health.
I still had much to learn.
Yet, the more I’ve learned about myself, my inner development, and helping coach 100’s of clients, I realize that strategy (while necessary) will never match the importance of MIND.
Mind > Strategy.
Because the information on how to get healthy and fit is more abundant than ever.
What’s missing now is the proper application of these strategies.
Which comes down to your thinking and your mind.
Most coaches focus ONLY on calorie counting and rep ranges and macros.
While I still coach on these, the priority I coach and teach on is the importance of thinking correctly.
On WHY, the mind is everything.
On why your mind will guide you farther in life than anything else.
On the importance of beliefs and the subconscious patterns, we carry with us for our entire life.
Working out, eating well, and getting enough water are essential.
But we need to work on the ONE AREA of our life which affects our actions.
And that’s your MIND.
Your mind is a marvelous, gorgeous friend that’s always with you.
It’s there to support you, reveal timeless truths about you, and guide you to your best version every single day of your life.
But most people’s MINDS work against them.
They sabotage and betray them at every corner.
So here's a few tools my team and I use to show our students how to rewire their relationship with their minds:
1. Meditation
Meditation, which has been studied and practiced for thousands of years, is one of the MOST profound ways to ground and return to your center.
The amount of stress and anxiety, as well as neurosis that surrounds modern societies worldwide, is reaching a global epidemic.
Most of us spend our days disconnected from our center, which leads to stress, anxiety, and neurotic behaviors.
I've spoken about meditation and the practice of 'zazen' (seated silent meditation) in prior newsletters - especially with the ability to create inner ease and relaxation within ourselves.
Contrary to popular belief - stress and anxiety is NOT our default state.
Relaxation and ease are our natural state (according to many well-known Qi Gong teachers, like Lee Holden).
Allowing ourselves to relax within our bodies and minds is one of the most profound experiences we can create for ourselves each day.
Whether you decide to create anxiety or relaxation - both are a creation and byproduct of your mind.
Create time for inner stillness and deep breathing each day.
You'll be surprised by the results after doing this for 30 days.
2. Visualization
What you think about - you become.
Visualization is another excellent tool to actively use your neural pathways to help focus on the outcomes you want to see in your body, health, and fitness.
Research also backs it and shows how it improves our cognitive thinking as well as our creative thinking.
Nearly every great athlete and leader uses visualization daily to help create the results they want even faster.
While it's possible that visualizing helps program our neural pathways to expect the result we want to create, I suspect it has to do with our connection to reality.
Our minds, whose origin or location science has yet to discover (not our brain, just to be precise), are mysterious and mystical.
While I won't go too deep into this here, visualization daily may allow you to recreate your reality and life when paired with actions that align with your new reality.
We may be the creators of our own life - and all life here on this planet.
3. Affirmations
Piggybacking off the second technique, affirmations can help rewire your relationship with your health and break apart subconscious patterns that lead to 93% of your behavior.
We all affirm something to ourselves and talk to ourselves.
The question is - are we conscious of our self-talk and what we want to plant in our minds?
Most of us have negative self-talk that goes back to our childhood.
This means that for the majority of us, our thoughts are primarily unconscious.
Using affirmations correctly by infusing each word with positive emotion and allowing yourself to FEEL the emotion in your body can be a potent tool.
Our subconscious mind doesn't respond to weak desires.
It responds to consistent desires backed by powerful emotions.
Your conscious mind allows you to choose and decide what gets fed to your subconscious mind.
Choose wisely and feed your mind the right nutrition.
Become a master of your self.
- Gabriel
Whenever you're ready, here's one way I can help:
Every week until the end of the year, you'll see our End of Year VFR Special.
If you ​apply for a coaching spot​ and qualify this week, we'll coach you for FREE until the end of this year.
(e.g., if you apply and are accepted this week, that would equal 7 weeks of free coaching with your start date for your 4-month Accelerator Program starting on Jan 1st, 2024.
We'll deduct a week from this special every week until the end of this year.
So this week is the maximum bonus week you could qualify for (7 extra WEEKS) each week after deducting one week less.
You’ll also be able to lock in our 2023 tuition before tuition rises in 2024 (due to all the incredible upgrades we’ve made over the past 12 months inside of VFR).
Spots fill up fast due to a 2-week waiting list, so your application is not guaranteed to be viewed so I’d recommend applying now even if you’re unsure when to start.
Happy holidays! :)