4 Food Groups To Keep In Your Kitchen and Avoid These Harmful 4 Toxins
Feb 29, 2024
Today’s issue is brought to you by ​Vegan Fitness Redefined.​ We help vegans, veg-curious, and plant-based humans get lean, strong, and build healthy bodies.
Are you a high performer who wants to drop body fat, build lean muscle, and tone up while feeling confident in your health?
Click below to apply for a free 1:1 consultation and see if our Accelerator Program is a good match to help you get in the best shape possible while leading by example.
(2-week waiting list and new spots capped at 5 per month)
Last week was our anniversary.
After nearly 7 years together and 4 years married?
You can’t go wrong with the right person.
But you can go wrong with the incorrect person.
Most of my life I struggled with relationships.
Maybe there was a correlation that my mother married 3x and I had low self-esteem since a young age.
Maybe there was a correlation between the fact that I craved affection and love from my stepfather and didn’t receive it.
Or maybe it was the fact I didn’t see my biological father for nearly 7 years while growing up as a child.
Probably there was a correlation.
In all seriousness - I didn’t take ownership of my emotions and how I worked with them.
I also didn’t take responsibility for letting go of my past and writing a new future for myself too.
Until almost 10 years ago.
When I sat down with pen and paper.
And wrote out exactly who I wanted to become and who I wanted to attract into my life.
And then I started to do the inner work.
It was hard. And imperfect.
And most days I was off track.
But I started to make momentum.
Within 8 months of me doing consistent inner work and healing myself…
I met Anna.
2 continents apart.
And having never met physically.
Yet, love knows no boundaries.
It surpasses culture, nation, language, and location.
It accepts us for who we are.
I wouldn’t change a thing about our story.

Lesson: Intention creates direction. Back your intention with action and reality has no choice but to give you what you want.
Here's Your 5 Minute Friday:
4 Food Groups To Keep In Your Kitchen
Four food groups to keep in your kitchen:
#1 Fruits
Fruits have the highest amount of nutrition per bite than ANY other food on the planet.
In fact, they have 4x more nutrition than vegetables - which have always been proclaimed to be the most nutritious.
Fruits are healing foods that nourish us at a cellular level.
Our bodies love and need fruits.
And the more fruit we eat - the healthier we become.
In a society that’s backward and has thrown rocks at this healing food, listen to your body and how it feels.
The antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and nutrition that each piece of fruit contains are superior to anything else on the planet.
It’s even possible to heal and reverse disease using fruits as a main focus.
(more details on this in a future letter…)
If you want to increase longevity, 10x your health, and reclaim day-long energy - fruit will be a key ally for you to win with your health.
It’s that powerful.
#2 Vegetables
Coming in at second are vegetables.
Vegetables of all kinds are phenomenal for our bodies.
They carry micronutrients, healthy bacteria, and nutrition to help us power through our day and life.
Green leafy vegetables in particular are some of the most powerful foods on the planet and make a mean salad too.
Vegetables are fruit’s partner in health.
Combine both of them together and you have a potent combination for radical health.
Stock up your kitchen with your favorite veggies and reap the results.
#3 Wild Foods (whole foods)
Another great food group to keep in your kitchen is wild foods.
Wild foods, or as commonly known as whole foods, are single-ingredient foods that come from our soil and planet.
Many of these foods contain high amounts of micro-nutrition with essential vitamins and minerals that keep our bodies healthy and strong.
And most households are lacking in this food group.
With the big push by many industries to produce more processed foods and foods with 10+ ingredients (many of which are unrecognizable), wild foods become even more important.
As the main bulk of our calories, wild foods deserve a place in our kitchens.
Honor their place.

#4 Herbs and Spices
Finally, herbs and spices.
There are many herbs and spices that contain vital nutrients specifically for our health.
And the deeper you go into nutrition - the more you may find that there’s a lot of information withheld from us regarding what our bodies need.
Plant-based or not - many of us are missing out on parts of this nutrition puzzle.
Using these 4 food groups and curating them each week in your kitchen will help to start the pieces together for you.
Eating them consistently every week?
Well, that’s a great challenge to aim for this year.
Eat only these 4 food groups for 30 days and watch your health skyrocket.
Are you up for the challenge?
Avoid These Harmful 4 Toxins
Avoid these 4 harmful toxins at all costs:
#1 Heavy Metals
Heavy metals are more abundant than ever.
But what exactly are these?
Mercury. Copper. Fluoride. Chlorine.
These and many more are poured into our foods (pesticides), water (fluoride), pools (chlorine), skies (chemtrails), and allopathic medications and shots (mercury, toxins, etc).
Heavy metals depress your mind and body.
They suppress and weaken your immune system.
They slowly erode in our bodies releasing byproducts that systemically destroy our bodies.
Why are they so abundant?
That’s a conversation for another time (and another letter).
But they’re omnipresent nearly everywhere on this planet where there’s modern life.
Chelating (removing) heavy metals from our bodies on a daily basis is a prerequisite if you live in this modern world.
And removing them from our life as much as possible is required to reclaim our health.
#2 Radiation
Radiation destroys our bodies.
Similar to heavy metals, they’ve also seen a huge uptick over the past 100 years.
Add EMF waves (which I’ve spoken about before), plus 5G, and we have a world that’s surrounded by electricity and radiation at unseen levels.
All of this impacts our bodies and health.
At unprecedented levels.
There’s also the fallout from Fukushima that’s still in our atmosphere and coming down on us.
Dental exams, plane flights, X-rays, and even being close to someone who just got an X-ray all impact us.
As humans, we’re bioelectrical creatures.
Our bodies need to be grounded consistently to reconnect to our center.
Radiation does the exact opposite - it destroys us.
#3 Viral Explosion
Viruses are part of our world.
But many of them are manufactured and man-made.
Made in private laboratories and released later on as experimentation.
This has been confirmed with countless data points although most of this information is not made public.
However, 2 viruses in particular have been wreaking havoc in our world:
- Ebstein Barr Virus (EBV)
- Strepochoous Virus
Both of these (and more) are responsible for the 250 million chronically ill, mystery conditions, and ‘autoimmune’ disease spikes that we’ve seen in the USA alone.
There are 350 million people who live in the States.
250 million have some sort of mystery or unknown condition.
Let that sink in for a second.
And for context, these bugs and viruses eat heavy metals.
They thrive off of toxins, and certain foods (eggs, dairy, high-fat meat, gluten, corn, canola oil, etc), and can live for years or decades in our bodies either dormant or causing harm.
#4 DDT
DDT is a deadly toxin.
Used publicly against insects and bugs several decades back, it was banned when people realized that DDT was deforming their children, creating severe health issues, and causing deaths.
However, similar to the 3 toxins above, DDT remains present today.
Part of the reason why is because our grandparents and great-grandparents passed it down to us.
Unless we release and cleanse our bodies from DDT, heavy metals, viruses, etc - it gets passed down in the sperm and the egg (not genetically).
The great thing though?
Using the 4 healing foods mentioned above can safely and carefully remove many of these deadly poisons from our life.
That’s what makes them even more powerful.
Huge hat tip to A.W. for the information available in today’s letter.
Client of the Week

Meet Ashley. As a busy single mom with 2 children, she has a lot on her plate.
As a busy sales leader, her time is valuable, yet over the years, she hadn’t been putting herself first (as she wanted to)...
When we first met, she was eager to drop body fat, tone up, and get stronger.
Our strategy: We initially set her calories with a negative caloric deficit of ~500 k/cal daily. We added 3 weekly strength workouts, with 1-2 cardio days, since Ashley enjoys running.
She was also doing yoga daily, and we added 2 to 3 days of foam rolling to help with her mobility and faster workout recovery.
Finally, we started to rewire her mental and emotional with fitness and got clear on her 5-year goals down to her quarterly goals.
(this turned out to be extremely helpful in her case).
She’s down 5.5 inches from her waist. 10+ lbs down as of writing. And built several pounds of lean muscle since her body adapted nicely to her training consistency and lifting heavier each week…
… even while flying throughout the country for meetings, going to Puerto Rico for a quick vacation, and raising her two children.
Excited to keep watching her growth as we keep working together with her recent acceptance into our next-tier program as she creates a sustainable healthy lifestyle.
If you're a busy vegan, plant-based human, or plant-curious and want to get in the best shape of your life while leading by example, ​apply here to get lean, strong, and healthy in 2024. ​
(2-week waiting list and capped at 5 new spots per month)
One Quote To Finish Your Week Strong
“Consistency of performance is essential. You don't have to be exceptional every week, but at minimum, you need to be at a level that even on a bad day, you get points on the board.”- Sean Dyche
Consistency will always defeat perfectionism.
Your small daily actions rack up.
And they count.
Focus on winning today.
Rooting for you.
- Gabriel
Whenever you're ready, there are two ways I can help you:
#1 ​Join our free high-performance fitness FB group​ to get access to dozens of live trainings recorded along with a tight-knit group of leaders who want to get healthy, lean, and strong.
#2 Are you a high achiever who wants to be lean, strong, and lead by example? ​Apply for private 1:1 coaching​ and get in the best shape of your life (2-week waiting list).