Do Affirmations Work For Fitness… or Is it Just B.S.?
Mar 26, 2024
I remember when I first did affirmations.
It didn’t go well.
I stood in front of my mirror and mumbled the words I had written on my paper.
I sounded afraid.
The truth was?
I was scared.
I hadn’t ever done anything like this before and to be honest, I thought it was bogus.
Most people do affirmations incorrectly.
That’s why the success rate is so low…
However, affirmations work when done correctly.
However, you need to be consistent with them.
Affirmations are your language to yourself.
We all speak to ourselves.
However, most of the time, it’s unconscious or hidden.
The power of the spoken word is unparalleled.
It’s why mystics and sages have warned us to be careful of what we say aloud.
Words spoken aloud are a reflection of our thoughts.
And all thoughts have energy.
Which means words have energy and power, too.
So when it comes to affirmations, they work when used correctly.
Here’s how to use them:
#1.) Step-by-Step Process
- Step One: Repeat 1x daily as your minimum standard (2-3x is even better).
- Step Two: Make these as SPECIFIC and TANGIBLE as possible
- e.g., I, (INSERT NAME), am happy and grateful now that I am a healthy role model with day-long energy and a strong body, residing between (INSERT HERE) body fat % and weighing a healthy weight of (INSERT HERE) lbs.
- The MORE SPECIFIC you are with these, the more QUICKLY your mind can associate the EXACT changes you want in your life.
- Step Three: Speak slowly and allow yourself to feel the emotions as you speak aloud DEEPLY. Without emotion, there can be no real transformation. Infuse each word with meaning and emotion.
- Step Four: SCHEDULE this into your CALENDAR as a new habit each day.
Reminder: Practice going more slowly and deeply expressing emotion and feeling every time you practice your affirmations.
#2.) Use Your Affirmations Daily
Below is an example of two methods for using affirmations.
The first is the lasagna method, which sandwiches two things you are grateful for NOW with one thing you WANT to have in between.
The second is the why universe question.
This allows you to step into wonder and amazement and question all the good you currently have and want to have.
It also helps if you have self-doubt and are self-critical and can help relax your mind into a curious state.
Both methods are powerful when used consistently and mixed with deep emotion and belief.
Use the templates below to write out your affirmation cards.
(ideally, write them out on pen and paper and keep them in your pocket daily to read aloud 1-2x each day).
Your mind is a mental magnet that just needs your specific GPS directions, so give it the right directions it needs.
BONUS TIP: Choose specific character traits and new beliefs as part of your new affirmations! ;)
I, (name), am happy and grateful for (add something that you have/achieved already)
I, (name), am happy and grateful now that (add what you want to create in your life)
I, (name), am happy and grateful for (add something that you have/achieved already)
I, (name), am happy and grateful now that (add what you want to create in your life)
Why universe am I (add something you want to create)
Why universe am I (add new character trait or way of being)
Why universe is it so easy (achieve certain result)
Why universe am I so blessed (insert thing you’re grateful for or want)
As a reminder - we all speak to ourselves.
Whether it’s conscious or unconscious.
As humans, we’re multi-dimensional beings.
What we do in ONE area of our life, impacts other areas in our lives.
Your mental language is directly corrleated to your health, fitness, and nutriiton choices.
So why not use all your mental and emotional faculties to your advantage?
Sometimes it’s not just about working out more or eating healthier.
Sometimes it’s about speaking to ourselves the right way with compassion.
Test this out for yourself for 60 days minimum and record the results.
Curious how this unfolds for you too. 🙂
- Gabriel
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