
High-Performance Vegan Letters

IBE Success Formula, Set Fitness Expectations Correctly, and How To Speed Up Results

letters Mar 07, 2024

The past few years, my uncle status has grown.

As our family has expanded, I’ve become the uncle of 5 nieces and nephews.

Add that to being the oldest of 6; our family has expanded over the years.

And with that comes a sense of responsibility.

Over the years, I’ve watched multiple family members eat more fruits, vegetables, become pescatarian, and even a few go fully plant-based.

My approach?

Just embody my values.

Health. Compassion. Strength. Self-mastery. Leadership.

In the world of prostelyzation where we all want to shove our beliefs at others, test this out for yourself.

I’ve found the more judgemental I am of others - the less influence I have.

Does that mean I’ll sit passively and not be bold?

Absolutely not.

But it means that people value how you live your life more, rather than only your words.

Recently, my nephew in Poland messaged me on WhatsApp.

‘Should I get whey protein to build muscle or a different protein?’

I explained the benefits of pea and rice protein due to the higher absorption rate and better digestive qualities (as compared to whey).

I can guarantee you that he would have never asked me if I didn’t embody what I teach.

Humans value leaders.

They want to be led by someone who lives in alignment with their values.

Be that person for someone else.

Take ownership of your health and body.

Lesson: It’s easy to talk the talk and tell others to eat plants and be healthy. It’s another thing to embody this yourself and lead by example.

Here's Your 5 Minute Friday:

#1.) IBE Fitness Success Formula

There is a clear path to get what you want.

And it starts within you.

You can guarantee success in every area of life using the IBE formula.

Part of that formula is having a clear intention.

Without this - it’ll be easy to slip up.

There will be hard days. And easy days.

However, using the IBE formula will set you up for life-long success.

As long as you’re consistent with it…

Here’s how it works:

I - intention (clear and focused)

Intention creates direction.

While desire is a starting place, there are higher paths (and often faster) ways of creating the results that you want.

Intention is knowing what you want in a non-attached manner.

Know what you want.

Then, focus all your attention on creating the result without attachment.

​B - belief

Once you have intention- you start to crystallize this into belief.

Belief is another word for faith.

Faith is your belief in the unknown.

Your belief that something will happen even without you knowing it will happen.

Faith in yourself and your capacity to show up each day.

E - expectation

Expectation emerges naturally once your belief is strong.

Expectation is exactly as it sounds - expecting the result to be yours.

It’s a level above belief since now you reside in knowingness, not just belief.

It’s proven that those who expect certain things tend to get them.

Mix this entire process with emotions (which are the fuel), and you have an unstoppable concoction for unlimited success in your life.

The only thing that will get in your way?


Learn to harness the full power of your mind, body, and spirit; unlimited power and success are yours.

#2.) You get what you expect, not what you want

As a recap from the topic above - you don’t get what you want.

You get what you expect.

Most of us focus on what we do NOT want in our health, fitness, and bodies.

This is why standards are equally important.

So what is a standard?

A standard is your bare minimum.

It’s your non-negotiables.

What you’re NOT willing to tolerate to go beneath.

For example: a standard of minimum 3 strength workouts per week.

It’s your bare minimum which says you will NOT tolerate going beneath 3 strength workouts per week moving forward.

That’s a standard.

According to Tony Robbins - the faster you raise your standards, the faster you’ll change your life..

Your desire will grow stronger as you take consistent action daily and weekly.

Which will lead to stronger belief.

And finally, you’ll start to expect to have the results that you want.

This is a powerful place to live.

#3.) How To Speed Up Results

The best way to speed up your health results?

Lean into the discomfort.

The times when you’ll have the most opportunity to grow is when there’s discomfort.

Want to build muscle? You need to be uncomfortable in the gym.

Want to lose weight? You need to be uncomfortable with new nutrition habits.

Want to become healthier? You need to lean into discomfort, move more, and eat better.

The list goes on.

As you lean into the discomfort, it becomes LESS uncomfortable as you create a new standard and baseline for yourself.

Which then allows you to lean BACK into discomfort and repeat the cycle.

It’s a never-ending cycle of stretching and growing yourself outside your comfort zone.

Over and over again.

This will lead to life-long habits that WORK for you rather than against you. 🙂

Grwoth will always lie outside your current comfort zone.

It doesn’t need to be painful.

But it does need to stretch you and make you slightly uncomfortable.

Stay with this and push on.

One Quote To Finish Your Week Strong

“Your health account, your bank account, they’re the same thing. The more you put in, the more you can take out. Exercise is king and nutrition is queen. Together you have a kingdom.”
– Jack LaLanne

Health compounds just like index funds.

The more you put in - the later you can take out.

Keep investing in yourself.

- Gabriel

Whenever you're ready, there are three ways I can help you:

#1 Join our free high-performance fitness FB group to get access to dozens of live trainings recorded along with a tight-knit group of leaders who want to get healthy, lean, and strong.

#2 Are you a high achiever who wants to be lean, strong, and lead by example? Apply for private 1:1 coaching and get in the best shape of your life (2-week waiting list).


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