
High-Performance Vegan Letters

Use this 3-tier approach to stay lean & strong (year-round)

Nov 27, 2023

I’ve been reflecting on my health as I age.

Especially as I creep closer to my next birthdate within a week.

It's interesting how the things we used to do with our health and body 10 years ago or 20 years ago - don't have the same impact as they used to.

I've also been reflecting on why some people stay fit each year...

While others struggle and yo-yo back and forth...

Over the past 15+ years of working out, I've noticed that a few important components need to be in place to create permanent results.

Use these three components, and you'll win for years.

Don't use them?

It might be harder to create permanent or sustainable transformation in your health.

Here's the 3 tier system you can apply immediately to your fitness and start seeing results:

1. Tier one: Focus on whole foods and water.

When it comes to creating a healthy, strong body - fruits, vegetables, and whole foods are a crucial part of being fit year after year.

One of my favorite ways to stay focused on whole foods?

Use the CCC framework - critically clean carbohydrates.

While carbs are demonized with vegan keto or high-fat diets becoming more popular these days, we can’t ignore the POWER that healthy carbs bring into our bodies.

Our liver (the POWERHOUSE organ) needs a steady stream of glucose (what carbohydrates are made of) every 1-2 hours.

Our brain THRIVES on a steady stream of glucose to think clearly and perform at our best.

Carbs are our BEST FRIENDS when they come from the right sources.

Fruits contain some of the most nutritious foods on this planet, with an overwhelming amount of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that our body desperately needs, especially with our planet’s soil containing fewer minerals.

2. Tier 2: Calories and protein

The Law of Thermodynamics states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. It can only be transferred.

Whether it’s fat loss, muscle gain, or sports performance, hitting your caloric weekly goals will be the KEY determinant of whether you consistently drop fat or build muscle predictably and sustainably.

Protein or amino acids are the building blocks for muscle RETENTION and GROWTH.

While this could be the subject of an entirely different email, we must understand that protein will give our bodies a way to retain lean muscle or build it.

Protein = muscle retention and muscle growth stimulant.

3. Tier 3: Strength workouts

Our bodies respond to specific stimuli.

The SAID principle states that our bodies respond to specific adaptations from imposed demands.

Strength training = the reason to sculpt and chisel our bodies in a healthy way

Without it?

There’s no guarantee that you can sculpt a lean, toned, plant-based body.

80/20 rule: don’t focus on trying to be PERFECT but rather on the daily progress, the 1% improvement you’ll see by focusing on these tiers 80% of the time.

80% of your results come from the activities you do 20% of the time.

You don't need to workout 3 hours every day.

You don't need to eat perfect meals 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

You don't need to eat salads and smoothies for the rest of your life.

What you need to do?

Focus on the 20%.

The 20% that DRIVES the 80% of results you'll see in your health, body, and overall fitness.

That's the key to creating sustainable and permanent transformation.

20% is all you need.

Focus on this FIRST.

And, of course - on the RIGHT activities.

20% of your time on the right activities with 80% consistency = recipe for permanent health transformation.

Lifting weights and strength training are the X-factor for all things fitness.

It develops a lean, strong body.

It makes you more confident.

It creates a more resilient and powerful human being.

Use strength training as your third tier in this three-tier pyramid of success.

Master one tier at a time.

Then, move on to the next.

Success breeds success.

- Gabriel

Whenever you're ready, here's one way I can help:

Every week until the end of the year, you'll see our End of Year VFR Special.

If you apply for a coaching spot and qualify this week, we'll coach you for FREE until the end of this year.

(e.g., if you apply and are accepted this week, that would equal 5 weeks of free coaching with your start date for your 4-month Accelerator Program starting on Jan 1st, 2024.

We'll deduct a week from this special every week until the end of this year.

So this week is the maximum bonus week you could qualify for (5 extra WEEKS) each week after deducting one week less.

You’ll also be able to lock in our 2023 tuition before tuition rises in 2024 (due to all the incredible upgrades we’ve made over the past 12 months inside of VFR).

Spots fill up fast due to a 2-week waiting list, so your application is not guaranteed to be viewed so I’d recommend applying now even if you’re unsure when to start.

Happy holidays! :)


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